Susan A. MacDonald

                                                                                                    Digital Portfolio

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Education's purpose
is to replace an empty
mind with an open one.

Malcolm Forbes


The Scholar Folio - synthesizes the doctoral program in Educational Leadership and Accountability.  My portfolio presentation reviews the significant theorists, authors and briefly discusses my plan of action for my dissertation.  My digital portfolio is a multimedia representation of my coursework and experiences throughout the program and as a result of the program . 


Program Synthesis

St. John's University Department of Educational Leadership and

Accountability Reading List


Instruction, Organization, Governance, Accountability (I.O.G.A.) Chart


Dissertation Topic


My initial portfolio defense has helped to define my dissertation topic.  I am very interested and excited about helping minority students to become successful in school.  Their success will be critical as educated contributing members of society.  I am using The Jones - Zimmermann Academic Mentoring Model to approach my study.  The research tools and related literature reviews as been extremely valuable in beginning my research on this topic.   


Pilot Study:  Researching the success of mentor programs in Suffolk County for minority students  Kindergarten through twelfth grades .


Research questions:


  1. Do mentoring programs exist in Suffolk County for grade school students?

  2. What type of success do minority students do on standardized tests before and after mentoring?

  3. What type of programs are being utilized in Suffolk County to mentor students?


Readings related to proposed topic  Mentoring




Creating "turning points" in the lives of youth residing in high-risk communities: Participation and response to school-based mentoring and impact on academic outcomes by Hughes, Marcia M., Ph.D.



How high school mentoring and internship programs prepare students for success after high school by Glading, Randall George, Ph.D.



Citizen Schools: An After-Hours Adventure--Professionals Mentoring Middle-Grades Students by Cavanagh, Sean



Check & Connect. What Works Clearinghouse Intervention Report What Works Clearinghouse. 2277 Research Boulevard, MS 6M, Rockville, MD 20850. Web site:



Mentoring Relationships from Early Adolescence through Emerging Adulthood: A Qualitative Analysis by Authors:  Liang, Belle; Spencer, Renee; Brogan, Deirdre; Corral, Macarena



Mentoring Young Children: Impact on College Students by Trepanier-Street, Mary



Does Mentoring Matter? A Multidisciplinary Meta-Analysis Comparing Mentored and Non Mentored Individuals by Eby, Lillian T.; Allen, Tammy D.; Evans, Sarah C.; Ng, Thomas; DuBois, David L.



St. John's University

Please click on the picture below to view my portfolio presentation  which compares my experience in this program with my metaphor of:

 "Reaching Your Goal"